Receive your masterclass. The Initiation. Invoking Your Legacy Level Impact Into Form.

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It's time to set your business leadership on fire, so that you receive the outcomes you desire.

Here's where you alchemize emotional + spiritual fracture into business success. 

Private mentorship is an epic path of initiation : a journey towards higher levels of spiritual authority, leadership, and impact.

You are invited to participate in one aspect, or the journey in its' entirety.

Spaces are highly limited.

  • You begin with (re)initiation as vessel of Divinity that you are.  This collapses timelines and brings your next level of business clarity + impact into form, at lightening speed. 

  • You release spiritual and ancestral trauma on a somatic level + rewire your nervous system.  This creates liberation from the symptoms of trauma and PTSD, rage, fear, + shame, imposter syndrome and playing small. 

  • You expand your nervous system's ability to receive pleasure.   You receive  the ability to hold more success and abundance, without falling back. 

  •  Finally, you are invited to call your legacy level impact + next levels of leadership into more tangible form, through more radically expanding on the visions received in part one.  This creates a ripple effect of change for those who come after. 


Spaces are highly limited, and by application only.    It is required that you have already dedicated yourself to personal transformation work for 3+ years; and are already serving in a leadership capacity.

Pricing varies by individual and situation.

Facilitator training will be available in the near future, apply if interested. 

Apply here.

Working with me privately is an initiatory process that mirrors the heroine's journey. 

All of the parts create the whole.


First Offering

Nepal shamantic quartz angels Light Worker crystals. Buddha bells healing, spiritual healing readings.

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Second Offering

Nepal shamantic quartz angels Light Worker crystals. Buddha bells healing, spiritual healing readings.

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Third Offering

Nepal shamantic quartz angels Light Worker crystals. Buddha bells healing, spiritual healing readings.

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View My Packages


Blashphemy is liberation from the "self help" industry, "new age" spin outs and  broken talk therapy.

And into the beginning of emotional liberation from PTSD symptoms, mood swings, and past trauma that you truly require. 

It's an excellent option to break free of  one specific emotional issue, and/or to break out of the trance of bad psychotherapy and/or spiritual gaslighting.

This can be done via purchase of a digital program, only, or purchasing the program plus a series of sessions for a much higher level of transformation. 

Our digital program releases July 10th, 2024, however you can pre-book now; reserve your access;  and begin 1-1 calls immediately. 

Book Now

The Initiation: A  VIP Day  Experience.

"The Initiation" is about remembrance of yourself as a vessel of the Goddess, of HER, and rapidly bringing your next levels of impact into form.

It is an accelerated route to creating higher levels of impact ,now , doused in a healthy dose of divine feminine spirituality.

One part spiritual initiation, one part business and leadership development.

It also accelerates every other offering in our journey together.

You're invited to experience this in the lushness of Maui, Hawaii, or online via a series of sessions. 

Both options include either a 1.5 day VIP day OR 8 1/1 calls;  plus our digital introduction to "The Initiation". 

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Persephone's Quest: A Mystery School.

This is your proverbial "underworld journey" where you release trauma from your nervous system, regain your vitality and aliveness,  and firmly anchor your leadership into form. 

It is deep seated trauma release,  nervous system re-wiring,  and the reclamation of your spiritual authority. 

It's also the foundational work to set your business leadership on fire,  not for a season, but for a lifetime. 

The highest level of mentorship offered, outside of the School for Spiritual Leadership. It is a 6 month to 1 year commitment, and a multi-five figure investment. 

An application is required.

Apply Here.

See My Packages.

Get Ready to Transform

Describe how the combination of your various services can have the greatest impact. Chakras spirit guides healing Pink Himalayan Salt herbalist. Harmonic spiritual healing love herbalist Essential Oils chakra clearing Chinese medicine lavender Light Worker Sacred Geometry Flower of Life stones crystals. Empath dance enlighten reincarnation Light Worker compassion.

30 Mins


Base Features

  • Introductory Session
  • 3 Sessions of This Service
  • 3 Sessions of This Service
  • 2 Sessions of This Service
  • 1 Sessions of This Service
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60 Mins


Most Popular

  • Introductory Session
  • 3 Sessions of This Service
  • 3 Sessions of This Service
  • 2 Sessions of This Service
  • 1 Sessions of This Service
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90 Mins


Top Features

  • Introductory Session
  • 3 Sessions of This Service
  • 3 Sessions of This Service
  • 2 Sessions of This Service
  • 1 Sessions of This Service
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Be/Loved Live.

Be/Loved is about reclaiming receiving MORE with Money, Men, and God.

It's one part reclaiming taboo parts of yourself, one part sex magic with God,  and one part deep seated trauma release with men, the masculine, and God. 

You'll turn on your ability to receive more with pleasure, money, and men; and begin to mend the split from your personal spiritual path. In weeks or months, not years and years. 

This includes a 3 part masterclass series plus 8, 1-1 calls.  

Women only; application absolutely required. 

Apply Here.


"This work has been such a gift to my entire life. In our work together I've been blessed to heal old traumas and mother wounds, receive entirely new ideas about money .  And receive a brand new, even-better-than-imagined, career path......

....I came into this work to receive support in my work as a healer as well as to work on self-worth, money issues, shyness around potential clients, and receiving greater abundance. The gifts I've received have been this and so much more." 

Athena C; SF Bay Area

"It has been a pleasure to witness Asherah's evolution from fledgling psychotherapist to a highly talented, and sought after, women's empowerment mentor.

.....On a personal level, I'm grateful to her for always sensing, and encouraging, my personal empowerment, healthier relationships, and empowerment in business situations. If you are seeking a private mentor to guide you through the waters of emotional, spiritual, and professional transformation, Asherah is a highly recommended match. She does it all with clarity, accuracy, a respect for your wholeness, and a good dose of humor."

Lee D; Oakland CA
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"Asherah is a gifted intuitive counselor and healer. I received a reading and healing session from her and being a reader and healer myself, was impressed and touched by her abilities. She spoke to the heart of the matter in a way that disarmed any reservations I might've had and allowed me to receive her wisdom and input. She also picked up on things about me that she couldn't have known which was a further indication of her being "on."....

.....Compassionate, down-to-earth, and very capable, I highly recommend her for intuitive guidance and energy work.  Asherah is definitely one of the carriers of feminine healing and wisdom for the 21st century."

-Kamala Leslie, empowerment mentor, Oakland CA 

"Asherah has broken many rules of our industry, and has in the process made money through financial domination, sex magic, trauma work, business coaching, and whatever she touches has this feminine Loki-esque vibe of mischief, disruptor and indomitable spirit. She has helped me to connect back to myself, to be more unapologetic, to own my own power and to take up more space. Working with her has been, and continues to be, truly magical."

-Mx. Harris Eddie Hill,  Trauma Healer
Apply Here.

Receive your masterclass. The Initiation. Invoking Your Legacy Level Impact Into Form.

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