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If you've made it this far, you are the top of your game.
And yet, you desire so much more.

To leave an impact on humanity, a massive positive mark on the collective.   

Creating ripple effects of change for the generations that come after. 

To be seen in who you are, behind the success and accolades. And to lead fully from this space. 

And to integrate your own personal spiritual path both in how you lead, as well as the specific types of impact that you create.

Whether that’s flat out booking out a mystery school, creating a massive platform to meet holistic health needs,  or integrating personal development principles into leadership within the corporate sphere. 

You are all about mission-driven impact and high level leadership, first, and already have some incredible wins.  (And sure, more money and worldly success rocks as well, it’s just generally not first on your plate). 

Yet underneath  your success, something feels incredibly wrong. 

It may show up as wild mood swings or big emotions, that you just can’t explain.  Or  a sense of spiritual broken-ness or fracture, a disconnect from who you really are, or even from God.   

As if you either are not living your highest timeline and not creating the impact that you are here to create.  Or if you are, you are exhausted and overwhelmed beyond belief.    Whether you’re pursuing a path based on what you think you “should” do; or denying yourself the gift of pleasure, expansion, rest, nourishment, more time, more energy, more money, and flat out receiving…..It comes from the same space. 

The fear of being seen as who you truly are.

Behind the awards.  Behind the success.  Behind that accolades.  The fear that if you let down your guard and let loose, it might just all fall apart.  


And beyond all of this, you have your own personal spiritual journey or relationship to God.  You’ve walked far in these spiritual shoes; some ecstatic and blissful, some traumatic.   And the deeper you’ve gone on your revelatory or initiatory path;  the harder it’s become.   As if a part of your identity, and “who you are supposed to be” is shattering, and you simply don’t know what happens next.

And yet you know that your own impact, leadership, and legacy is meant to integrate your own lived gnosis,  your own servant leadership, and your own spiritual wisdom.

You don’t know how to go from exactly where you are now; to where you desire to be. 


You've "tried all the things", of course.

From talk therapy to spiritual communities.  To self help retreats to self help books to quantum leap coaches.

From business strategists to high level consultants.  

To just pushing harder and trying more.

To analyzing your childhood to executive coaches to medicine journeys. 

And here is why what you have tried has not worked for you.

Business strategists and consultants have merit, but generally do not address your inner life.   From spirituality + spiritual integration to your psyche, past trauma, and belief systems, all of this can get neglected.

Mindset coaching + talk therapy have merit, but tend to only address the top layers of your mind.  While your subconscious may be touched upon, your process as it lives in your body gets ignored.  Plus, there is absolutely no mission driven; impact-based, leadership component.

Spirituality and quantum leap approaches can be amazing and crack you open. However, without the integration of your psyche + body;  these can create results that then fall apart.   

And as for “just trying harder”; “meditating more” or anything “DYI”….if that was working for you, you wouldn’t be right here right now, reading this page.

What is actually required to transform spiritual fracture into impact, leadership, and legacy .... unlike anything that you have tried.

It is based in 4 sacred pillar process, which do not necessarily occur in a linear order. but which create massive results. 

The pillars themselves are anchored in 23 years of study, practice, and experience. 

And over 7,000 hours of 1-1 and group delivery. 

On a more tangible level, the process itself anchored in multiple fields of study and inquiry. 

 From graduate level psychotherapy , to brass tacks business strategies, shamanism and soul retrieval . From multiple divine feminine spiritual initiations and 20 + years experience in multiple somatic and embodiment modalities.  

And underneath it all, a baseline sociological, mission-driven perspective of the individual in society, where impact can lead to social change and the greater good;  and how we truly are all connected.  

You won’t find this in a generic coach ; a single modality, or most individual mentors. 

The pillars are as follows.

Invoking Your Higher Self Into Form

Remember who you truly are.  Calling them into the room. Working on energetic, spiritual, and emotional planes to re-integrate her or him into your body.  This empowers you to see your options more clearly,  and with more confidence.  You go into important conversations about business, leadership, and impact with a newfound power of choice, and knowing what to say, and when, to quickly bring the next level to you.  Addressing this pillar alone literally “collapses timelines and moves mountains”.

Depth Embodiment And Nervous System Rewiring

 You go deep into your mind body connection, down to the level of you tracking how emotions move in your body.   Everything is “on the table” from religious trauma and programming, to mom and dad issues, to deep seated belief systems You clear trauma, programming, and blockages out of your body, to the extent that ptsd symptoms or limiting beliefs are cleared and do not return. You then have more space to be seen as who you are on the inside, not ‘how you produce’ on the outside.   This leads to more clarity and space for you to lead as who you truly are, as well as for next steps to begin to come to you.

Expanding your ability to receive (pleasure+expansion)

Here, we work with your newly healed nervous system to expand your ability to receive.  We explore your relationship with your body, and pleasure, whether that’s in visibility, relationships, or impact, money and love.  The issues we work on are customized to you, but absolutely include holding income leaps in your business, receiving more recognition, visibility, and praise for what you do;  and receiving the pleasure of self-expression in much higher forms.  (For women, this absolutely includes sensuality and sexuality)   You will see all the good you’ve created so far- and be more easily equipped to receive so much more, and to lead for a more open space. 

Impact, Leadership, and Legacy

You become clear on your highest timeline and the highest level of impact that you are here to create.  And who you are meant to be as a leader, and specifically how you are meant to lead.  You take tangible action steps towards creating that impact in your business or on your corporate team, and watch the results come to you.   Your personal spiritual journey is integrated with your leadership style, and you lead at higher levels. You  dial in your highest timeline and the impact that will make a difference for the generations that come after.  

If you've read this far, consider this your sacred invitation.

There are multiple ways to begin this journey.

First, you are invited to apply for a complimentary 15 minute spiritual integration assessment. We will be going lightening fast on this call to explore going from where you are to where you want to be. This is not a sales call, but it’s prequel, a mutual interview.   This is specifically for you if you are interested in high level mentorship and want to gently open the door. 

Or. If you’re the “dive in feet first ” type,  go ahead and invest in a deep dive, 1-1, 90 minute, spiritual integration strategy session.  This you and I diving in feet first on a sacred scavenger hunt, to call back any lost fractured, or shattered parts of your spirit, so that you lead with more wholeness and power and receive traction immediately.  This provides you the benefit of feeling the magic of this work without the commitment (yet) of a long term container.  

Finally, there will be a series of highly disruptive and highly accessible online events starting in May 2024.  Join the email list above or follow on social media for more information. 

Hi there. I'm Asherah Eden.

I empower spiritually oriented CEO's, founders and leaders to deepen their impact, leadership and legacy.

I am a spiritual integration mentor and business oracle.  My “lens” is highly somatic/body based , psychologically informed, and draws heavily from non-dual spirituality. 

My clients come to me when they  are ready to be seen and adored in *all* parts of who they are, and to use that as *rocket fuel* for their impact on humanity and legacy for those who come after.

They *also* come to me to dive deep into their repressed, taboo, and shamed parts of self  and to come to peace with their bodies and sensuality, power, money, and men. 

 They are psychotherapists, corporate leaders and spiritual teachers. What they have in common is a desire for deeper leadership + a rock solid background in their own personal transformation. 

 I’ve been facilitating change in individuals and groups for over 23 years.  I hold an M.A. in Somatic Psychology  and a B.A. in Sociology from Vassar College, and literally have thousands of hours of various spiritual trainings and initiations, most with a strong somatic (body-based) focus. 

I’m one part hardcore, almost-Ivy-educated (Vassar!) Linked-In loving, almost-luxury professional and one part subversive tantrika with a love of Goth nights, inappropriate humor, and swearing. 

On.a personal level, I’ve had my own profound spiritual integration journey, and I’d be honored to share it with you sometime, over tea.

Finally, I am highly disruptive in my pursuit of both *fun* and *truth* and my encouragement of you to do the same.


Asherah had been an amazing source of insight for me. Through her readings and gifted abilities in counseling, she has helped me gain more clarity in the decisions that I make in personal, professional, and legal areas with much wisdom, love, understanding- she has been teaching me how to trust my inner voice that often gets interrupted by external influences. Asherah is very easy to speak with, nonjudgmental, and encouraging. She has an uncanny ability to know a person's passions and what a good fit for their career may be with much accuracy. Her guidance is remarkable, and I highly recommend her counseling and reading sessions.

""Asherah's courage in facing the darkness of all human conditioning is what makes her a force to be reckoned with when it comes to inspiring and facilitating total healing of the mind-body temple. ​​ With an open and awakened heart capable of deep empathy, she shares her insights, brilliance, and work with astounding clarity-resulting in a heroic unraveling of the false, which ultimately leads to the embodiment of your true nature as loving HEARTful awareness--beyond all your programming and traumas."

"Asherah is someone of tremendous integrity and clarity in herself. Although I haven't experienced it directly, I've seen that the work she does with her own clients is powerful, and frees them from so much weight in their past, which helps to make our whole world so much better. Her sincerity and passion, as well as her skill and experience, are so evident. I'm so glad she's doing her work in the world."

There are no accidents. Consider this your sacred invitation.

First, you are invited to apply for a complimentary 15 minute spiritual integration assessment. We will be going lightening fast on this call to explore going from where you are to where you want to be. This is not a sales call, but it’s prequel, a mutual interview.   This is specifically for you if you are interested in high level mentorship and want to gently open the door. 

Or. If you’re the “dive in feet first ” type,  go ahead and invest in a deep dive, 1-1, 90 minute, spiritual integration strategy session.  This you and I diving in feet first on a sacred scavenger hunt, to call back any lost fractured, or shattered parts of your spirit, so that you lead with more wholeness and power and receive traction immediately.  This provides you the benefit of feeling the magic of this work without the commitment (yet) of a long term container.  

Finally, there will be a series of highly disruptive and highly accessible online events starting in May 2024.  Join the email list above or follow on social media for more information. 

Asherah Eden

1088 S. Kihei Rd.

Kihei HI 96753

In service to the Divine Mother.