
An Introductory Event with Asherah Eden.

Freedom from The Self-Help Industry, New Age Spin Outs, 14 hour Meditation Practices, and Broken Talk Therapy....

And into the freedom from PTSD symptoms, mood swings,  and emotional liberation that you actually desire.

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 6pm Eastern Time.   

 Please allow a full 90 minutes for this transmission. 

A replay will be sent out within 12 hours.  Listening within 72 hours of the event is highly recommended.

We keep your email address confidential, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

We will be busting these 3 myths, in service to YOUR emotional liberation. 

First Benefit

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Second Benefit

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Third Benefit

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You're ready to STOP the big mood swings, trauma symptoms, and anxiety....  and have emotional peace,  freedom from PTSD, and liberation from mood swings. 

You've tried all the things; from talk therapy, to LOA, manifestation, meditation, a bevvy of other spiritual practices (delightful and otherwise)  and maybe even a couple of altars with crystals, self help books, and some twin flame things. 

The problem is, the needle isn't moving. 

Your moods are still all over the place,  you are still anxious AF, and/or you still have PTSD, memories that don't budge, anxiety, nightmares.

It's NOT your fault.  

You've just been taught the wrong things. 

And it's time to give you what you actually DO require.

This introductory event is priced at $33 for a group teaching + replay.

I want this.

Spoiler alert. Most of the self help industry; and even much of psychotherapy,  operates from the same broken "Bible".   

It's GEARED to keep you stuck, running in circles, and going to the same therapist (or self-proclaimed 24 year old new age guru) for 18 years.  

Let's commit Blasphemy; tear this down; and find what DOES work, together.

Hey ! I'm Asherah.

I empower smart, spiritual leaders to transform their past trauma into greater impact and set their leadership on fire.  I'm a former psychotherapist+ former yoga teacher.

Years ago, I was a mess.  I had huge mood swings, cried all of the time, and rarely could sleep through the night.

I tried talk therapy. Yoga .  "Being more spiritual".  Law of Attraction.  None of it moved the needle on my mess. 

All of these things were having me operate from the same principles that did NOT work.  

And this is likely similar to what's been going on with you.

1.) If I was "more spiritual" it would be fixed. 

2.) That I was "broken" and needed to be fixed .  

3.)  I had to "get more in my head" and "be more logical" to figure it out. 

It was only when I radically pivoted and found an approach that centered on breaking all of the above rules, that things massively changed. 

 My mood swings evened out.  My sleep returned.  Ultimately, I broke free from PTSD, flashbacks and insomnia. 

And for this to happen; I had to commit blasphemy against what b the spiritual industry; the self-help gurus; and talk therapy told me. 

It is this exact medicine that I now convey to you.    $33 , to begin to break free. 

Say no more, I'm IN.

What Others
Have Experienced.

"For 15 years I had been in and out of traditional, "talk" therapy, collecting a Rolodex of different psychiatrists and therapists. Each one fizzled out after a few months, because I felt we had hit a wall in our work and development. Something was always missing, and I knew I needed a different, more radical approach. And then, I hit the jackpot and found Asherah. In my very first session, there was an abundant feeling of acknowledgement of who I was and where I was coming from.

I felt honored, respected and empowered, and every session thereafter has been building upon that incredible, priceless foundation. No one but Asherah, in all this time, has been so considerate of me inside and out, has made me feel more whole, has enlightened me to the power that exists within me. Now, I honor my feelings instead of repress them. Now, I feel connected to my body and spirit instead of being a stranger to both. Working with Asherah has simply been one of the greatest gifts I have ever received."

 -Lynn K, New York, NY

"This work has been such a gift to my entire life. In our work together I've been blessed to heal old traumas and mother wounds, receive entirely new ideas about money and receive a brand new, even-better-than-imagined, career path.........

.....I can honestly say that my investment in working with Asherah has been one of the most impactful, transformative choices that I've ever made for myself. What started out as an investment in myself for the purpose of improving my work as a healer has turned into something so much bigger. I know that I will look back at these last 5 months working together with Asherah as a pivotal point in my life, business, and self-actualization, healing process."

-Athena C, San Francisco, CA


Join us for Blasphemy.  It's time for the emotional liberation that you truly desire.

Tuesday, July 2nd, 6pm ET . Live attendance suggested but not required, replay included.

Your information is confidential, and you may unsubscribe at any time.